About us
Do you want to know how Youtube knows which videos you might like? Or how does Facebook and other social networks know which memes you prefer in your news feed? If you are interested in the answers to these questions, then you are in the right place.
Machine learning technologies have taken a significant place in the life of a modern person. A distinctive feature of this technology is its impartiality towards those who use this innovation. This means that any person, regardless of gender, age, political opinion can study and apply for their own purposes.
We created this site specifically to open the magical world of machine learning technologies to you. Best practices have been used in this project for your convenience. The objective is to build and present exhaustive material for all people of different levels of preparedness in this subject.
We have a "Blog" section: it is free and there are different articles on machine learning methodologies and innovations. Do not be discouraged if you are completely new to this field, here you will find something that will be useful for you.
We wish you good luck in all your endeavors.